de herbs - 透明質酸水凝保濕爽膚水 - 180ml D601818 / HA Moisture moist locksas Toner - 180ml



無酒精及富潤澤效果的透明質酸水凝保濕爽膚水、有助改善肌膚的含水量、令肌膚立即回復緊緻。 草本成份中的金縷梅能去除雜質及油份,更能有效收細毛孔、去除油脂及汅垢。而洋甘菊則有舒緩鎮靜肌膚之功效。 不可退貨 適合膚質 : 任何皮膚 產品成份 透明質酸、胺基酸、白茶、金縷梅、洋甘菊精華 使用方法 早晚潔面後,以化妝棉取適量的爽膚水,塗於面部及頸部。待吸收後,請重複面霜等日常保養程序,將養份鎖於肌膚內。 注意 避免本產品直接觸及眼睛,如不慎觸及,請立即用清水清洗。 請將產品置於兒童觸及不到的地方,產品外用忌食。 請將本產品置放於陰涼處。 如使用本產品時,發覺產品對皮膚有任何不適及敏感,請立即停止使用。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。 溫馨提示 請正確認識護膚品成效,護膚品不能替代藥品,不能治療皮膚病等疾病。關於產品使用成效, 由於個人膚質等多種因素影響,產品的成效亦因人而異,每人的使用體驗亦不同,故不能確保 每位消費者能達到一樣的成效。 An alcohol-free, moisturizing toner, helps to eliminate impurities, refresh dry or normal skin. It tones and deeply hydrates the complexion, as well as promotes soft, comfortable and radiant skin, and prepares the skin to benefit from other skincare creams. Non-returnable Suitable for : all skin type Ingredients Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium L Pyrrolidonecarboxylate Solution, Chamomile, White Tea and Witch Hazel Directions Apply with a cotton pad onto face and neck after cleansing, then followed with your usual skin care products. Caution Avoid contact with eyes; keep out the reach of children. For external use only, if allergy occurs, stop using it immediately. Store it in a cool place. Product picture is for reference only. Gentle Reminder Just remind to understand skin care products effectiveness. They cannot replace medicines to treat skin diseases and other diseases. Regarding the effectiveness of the product may varies from person to person, Due to various factors such as personal skin quality and the experience of each person is different, so it cannot be guaranteed every consumer can achieve the same result.
