la glace - 男士 - 激活細胞緊緻精華 - 30 ml L50602914 / la glace - Homme - epiderme Plump Treatment Essence - 30 ml



L50602914 男士 - 30 ml 激活細胞緊緻精華 專為男士而設,含多種特效高份子天然補濕成份,能增加細胞能量,深層活化肌膚細胞,平衡油脂,令油脂分泌回復正常及緊緻毛孔,有效改善暗乾涸肌膚,並能改善及降低皮膚的粗糙問題、為肌膚提供製造緊緻潤澤所須的能量,皮膚變得更柔滑,重現生機及更有氣色。 適合膚質 : 任何皮膚 產品成份 海洋膠原蛋白、透明質酸、洋甘菊精華、胺基酸、蜂皇乳、鼠尾草 使用方法 每天早晚於潔面及爽膚後,塗於面部,待吸收後,請重複面霜等日常保養程序,將養份鎖於肌膚內。 注意 避免本產品直接觸及眼睛及置於兒童觸及不到的地方, 外用忌食,請置放於陰涼處。 如發覺對皮膚有任何不適及敏感,請立即停止使用。 L50602914 Homme - 30 ml epiderme Plump Treatment Essence This Essence works all night long to improve the skin's vitality and hydration, recharge skin and help boost its protective barrier. The various active ingredients and plant extracts highly increases cellular energy and activity, absorb and regulate excess oil, also can minimize the pores¡¦ appearance, the overall skin structure and elasticity are improved. Skin is perfectly quenched, revitalized. Suitable for : all skin type Ingredients Marine Collagen , Hyaluronic Acid, Chamomile, Royal Jelly, Sage Extract Directions Better use after cleansing and toning morning and or evening. Apply gently on face then followed with your usual skin care products. Caution Avoid contact with eyes; keep out the reach of children. For external use only, if allergy occurs, stop using it immediately. Store it in a cool place.

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