laglacebeauty - 喜慶派對 創意可愛卡通樹脂 ”蟹黃湯包” 磁性冰箱貼 –室內佈置裝飾 C8045-CNTC-CRSB / laglacebeauty - Festive Creative Cute Cartoon Resin Decoraton – «Crab Roe Soup Bun» Refrigerator Magnet



C8045-CNTC-CRSB 喜慶派對 創意可愛卡通樹脂 蟹黃湯包 磁性冰箱貼 – 室內佈置裝飾 材質: 樹脂+磁鐵 尺吋: 4.8*8CM (大約) 規格:1件 冰箱貼背部有磁鐵, 可以吸附在能吸住磁鐵的平面上, 背部是硬質磁鐵, 不能在冰箱上滑動. 不可退貨 產地: 中國 溫馨提示: 玻璃門冰箱不適用, 磁鐵不能吸在玻璃/水泥墻/塑料/布藝等非磁性表面上, 能吸在能吸住磁鐡的金屬平面上. 手工制品會偶有小污點, 小氣泡, 輕微染色不可避免, 介意者請不要購買. 切勿在冰箱上來回劃動, 以免做成劃痕. 樹脂易碎, 請小心輕放. 注意 請放在遠離兒童接觸不到的地方,. 產品外用忌食 請將本產品置放於陰涼處。 圖片顔色受光綫和顯示器屏幕會有影響,不同光綫拍攝會有差別,不能確保沒有色差。若介意者,下單前請先想清楚。 產品圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。 C8045-CNTC-CRSB Festive Creative Cute Cartoon Resin Decoraton –  Crab Roe Soup Bun»Refrigerator Magnet Material: Resin + Magnet Size: 4.8*8 CM (approx) Specification: 1 piece There is a magnet on the back of the refrigerator magnet, which can be attached to metal surfaces that can attract the magnet, and the back is a hard magnet, which cannot slide on the refrigerator. Material: Resin + Magnet Size: 4.8*8 CM (approx) Specification: 1 piece There is a magnet on the back of the refrigerator magnet, which can be attached to metal surfaces that can attract the magnet, and the back is a hard magnet, which cannot slide on the refrigerator.

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