la glace - 膠原抗敏修護面膜 /10片裝 L50600231 / la glace - Collagen Sensitive Care Mask /10 sheet mask



L50600231 膠原抗敏修護面膜 /10片裝 可幫助皮膚降敏及有舒緩作用,從而保持皮膚的自然平衡狀態。 內含的膠原蛋白更能有效地鎖緊皮膚水份,使肌膚亮麗光潔。 適合膚質 : 適合任何皮膚/敏感性皮膚 產品成份: 海洋膠原蛋白,金縷梅,胺基酸,洋甘菊,β-葡聚糖 使用方法: 晚間於潔面後,將面膜紙貼於面上約10-15分鐘後,以清水沖洗。每周使用一至二次。 注意: 避免本產品直接觸及眼睛,如不慎觸及,請立即用清水清洗 請將本產品置放於陰涼處,產品開封後,只可用 1 次,不能重覆再用。 L50600231 Collagen Sensitive Care Mask /10 sheet mask It delivers intensive supplements to regulate your skin; it can restore firmness to the complexion and lessen dry lines. Suitable for : All skin type / sensitive skin. Ingredients: Marine Collagen, Sodium L Pyrrolidonecarboxylate, Witch Hazel Extract, SC Glucan, Chamomile Extracts Directions After cleansing, take out the mask and lift it onto the face for around 10-15 minutes and remove mask, then rinse off with water. Use 1-2 times a week. Caution Avoid contact with eyes, if it does, please rinse out immediately. For external use only, if allergy occurs, stop using it immediately. Store it in a cool place. After cleansing, take out the mask and lift it onto the face for around 10-15 minutes and remove mask, then rinse off with water. Use 1-2 times a week.
