la glace - 骨膠原抗皺修護面膜 / 10片裝 L50600804 / la glace - Wrinkle Treatment Mask / 10 sheet mask



L50600804 骨膠原抗皺修護面膜 / 10片裝 適合膚質 : 任何皮膚 產品成份 海洋骨膠原、洋甘菊精華、人蔘精華、海藻精華、左旋乳酸納。 產品簡介 蘊含骨膠原、多種草本精華及保濕成份,有助減淡幼紋、修護皺紋,防衰老, 幫助促進細胞新陳代謝,預防皺紋形成,滋潤肌膚及活化細胞,讓肌膚回復柔軟緊緻。 使用方法 晚間於徹底潔面後,將面膜紙貼於面上約10-15鐘後,以清水沖洗。每周使用一至二次。 注意 避免本產品直接觸及眼睛及置於兒童觸及不到的地方,外用忌食,請置放於陰處。 面膜開封後,只可使用一次。如發覺本產品對皮膚有任何不適及敏感,請立即停止使用。 L50600804 Wrinkle Treatment Mask / 10 sheet mask suitable for : all skin type / mature skin INGREDIENTS Marine Collagen, Chamomile Extracts, Ginseng Extracts, Algae Extracts, Sodium L Lactate. DESCRIPTIONS This mask helps to relieve dry skin, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles; promote collagen production, protects skin cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Strengthen, rejuvenates and restores skin to its youthful appearance. DIRECTIONS After cleansing, take out the mask and lift it onto the face for around 10-15 minutes and remove mask, then rinse off with water. Use 1-2 times a week. CAUTION Avoid contact with eyes; keep out the reach of children. Do not reuse mask. For external use only, if allergy occurs, stop using it immediately. Store it in a cool place.
